Sunday, July 01, 2007

We are on a ticking clock now to get our house ready for its first viewing next Saturday. We have signed with an agent and all that's left is to prepare it to be seen by strangers who we want to part with approximately $600,000 of their hard earned. It's a challenge to say the least.

I love this house. I loved it from the moment I saw it and I love the new kitchen we put in and the other renovations we have done. There is more to be done but it is a fine family home as it is. However, viewing it with a critical eye I can see that it is not presented in what one may describe as a Vogue Living photo spread fashion. If there was a magazine entitled Clutered But Homey Family Living we'd have the centre spread for sure.

So this week we need to get rid of the unnecessary bits and arrange what's left in an enticing manner. A manner which whispers "wouldn't you like to live here?"... "wouldn't you like to give these nice people a large amount of money so they can purchase their new ostentatious apartment without freaking about bridging finance?". It's probably a big ask... do you think?

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