Friday, May 25, 2007

This week I have learnt a few things.

I have learnt I have a slightly bulging disc in my lower back. I learnt this after having $635 worth of x-rays and CT scans. How do poor people find out about their bulging discs?

I have learnt about a whole new world of pain I had never even suspected existed.

I have learnt how hard it is to do the simplest things, like getting out of bed and going to the bathroom, when your back is in agony.

I have learnt that two days of being in bed is fucking boring. I mean really really insanely boring. Day time tv is not fit for human consumption, even with Foxtel I was reduced to Oprah re-runs.

I have learnt that it is very difficult for my anally-retentive personality to let go and allow others to help me. But I have also learnt that my family is the best (well, I already knew that). They have gone above and beyond to help me and I can't be grateful enough.

I have learnt that I am getting old/er and I can't take things for granted any longer. I must start doing Pilates to increase my back/stomach strength so that they may better support my crumbling spine.

I have learnt that getting old/er SUCKS!


Julia said...

"I have learnt that it is very difficult for my anally-retentive personality to let go and allow others to help me."

You should have added, "but still, I can't let go, therefore causing much annoyance to my sister".

Sarah said...

oh you poor thing! - when I did my neck in last year being confined to an armchair for a week (I couldn't lie down) was almost as bad as the pain.

On the brightside, I found that analgaesics and anti inflammatories when combined with red wine and chocolate did absolute wonders.

(P.S. poor people go to the emergency department and sit there for hours on end waiting to be seen by a doctor. Or they call their mother and ask her to pull in a favour at the hospital she used to work at thereby allowing me to get all the scans done the next day. For free. Every family should make a conscious effort to develop a relationship with someone who works in one of the big hospitals.)

Kath Lockett said...

You poor little sausage! I can see how the pain and boredom was probably second in comparison to the difficulties you had in 'letting go'.

Do whatever you can to get it right. You are STILL a spring chicken and need your back to remain strong and useable!