Monday, September 10, 2007

One of the extra benefits of our recent move is that we are now very cosy neighbours with the high security Silverwater Jail. I spend a lot of my time wondering what it is like in there. Do their wives really bring them cakes with files baked into them? Do they really not bother picking up the soap should they drop it in the shower? Is there really a cell in there occupied by a big bald guy called Bubba? These are the sorts of thoughts which keep me awake at night.

In addition almost every morning as I start-stop along my short but slow trip along Homebush Bay Drive I am joined in the traffic by one of those Correctional Services vans which is undoubtedly moving prisoners to court. I can't see in but I wonder if they can see out. Possibly I have seen Con Air too many times but I do spend a great deal of time scanning the surrounding cars. Is one or more of these innocent looking commuters potential accomplices, awaiting their moment to stop the traffic and orchestrate a daring peak hour break out? What heroic action on my part will save the day? What pithy quip with I produce for the news crews as I casually get back in the car to drive the kids to school?

I know what you're thinking... but really, the yellow pills do seem to be helping.


Jules said...

I've ALWAYS wondered if they can see out. I think: not, because of aforementionned reason.

Jails are fascinating.

Jules said...

Yes, that's me - stoopid Gmail.

Kath Lockett said...

LOL - I'm sure Nic Cage is saying very slowly, "PUT.....THE BUNNY.....BACK IN THE BOX......"

Sarah said...

when my little sister was going through her More Evil Than The Devil stage as a really crap career petty criminal she got picked up for posession with intent to distribute (those totally unreasonable cops refused to believe that those 30+ little clip lock bags in her handbag were a month's worth of personal use)

It was a Saturday night and she knew the reaction she would get if she called my parents to bail her out AGAIN and so she spent Saturday night in the lock up at Sydney Central.

Sunday morning she was still too scared to call my parents so they transferred her out to the women's prison at Silverwater (this was by no means her first offence and she had just turned 18 which was why she wasn't charged and released)

By lunchtime she was sufficiently terrorised to drop her pride and call for help. She called my sister (she didn't drop enough pride to call my parents) who happened to be enjoying a lovely summer Sunday afternoon seafood lunch with the family at my parents house.

A quick family conference was called and my mother went down in a 4-1 vote that we were fed up with her interrupting our lives and so she was left there for another night. The fact that the bailc ourt closed at 2pm also helped that decision - buggered if any of us werer abandoning prawns, oysters and poached salmon to go and get her.

After she got out, had her court case and was let off on a good behaviour bond she immediately ceased her criminal activities - its seems a day and a night in Silverwater were sufficient for her to decide she didn't want to go back there.