Wednesday, November 15, 2006

"He's mad, totally mad. He's madder than Mad Jack McMad, winner of last year's Mr. Madman competition."

...from Blackadder.

Just because I LOVE this quote, can relate to this quote and generally need to use it about half a dozen times a day, minimum. Have finally found it after googling unsucessfully for some time.



Kath Lockett said...

I love Blackadder too, especially the 2nd, Elizabethan series. He says to the queen: "Life without you would be like a pencil....Utterly pointless", or another fave (to the clueless Lord Percy, in love with Jane Harrington): "You mean THE Jane Harrington?....Jane 'Bury Me in a Y-Shaped Coffin' Harrington? Bangs like a dunny door when the plague's in town?"

Another quote - just as Rowan Atkinson when asked if he found Charlie Chaplin funny: "I find him about as funny as getting an arrow through the neck and discovering there's a gas bill tied to it"

Sheer, utter genius

Julia said...

And so applicable! ;-)