Friday, June 08, 2007

I have been too bored with Big Brother to post much about it. Of course I've been watching it religiously but it really is just a bad habit and while it's better for my health than smoking or drinking (if we're talking bad habits) but it's not great for my mental health.

Most of the people on BB make me yawn.

Currently only two inspire strong(ish) feelings of any kind.

1) Travis. He's fan-bloody-tanstic. He's a walking Australian-isms dictionary and everything that comes out of his mouth needs to be recorded into some sort of time capsule of Australian language. While I would certainly kill myself if I had to live with someone who spoke like that all the time, I eagerly await his pearls of wisdom each night. Travis to win!!

2) Emma. I want her to die. Painfully. Immediately, if not sooner.

More than enough said about BB. Bring on Friday Night Live.

1 comment:

Ms. Mamma said...

I'm gonna see if he's on YouTube...