Sunday, May 07, 2006

There must exist a parallel universe where people getting off planes get stopped by strange, tall women (who may or may not occassionally star on British police drama series) who insist on dragging their dirty laundry out of their suitcases, subjecting aforementioned laundry to further degredation by way of beetroot and then washing said laundry in some pink laundry detergent whose name can't be that memorable (because I still can't remember it). This parallel universe exists only in TV commercial land and its sole reason for existence is to drive me complete, absolutely friggin' bonkers. Everything about this ad drives me nuts. The ridiculous presenter woman in her ridiculous pink puffy jacket, her ridiculous smile, the smarmy way in which she smears beetroot (god help me if that was my laundry she was smearing she'd need a proctologist to remove that shitty pink puffy jacket!!!).

End of rant.

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