Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Last night, while Jay was at the Eric Clapton concert, I finally watched Jersey Girl which I had IQ'd months ago. I really love, admire and respect Kevin Smith as a writer/director. His films have some of the best, most real, most get-to-the-heart-of-modern-relationships dialogue I have heard/seen/read. Which is why I was pretty disappointed with Jersey Girl. Sorry Big Kev but there was just too much cliche, too much of everything we've already seen and not enough of the surprises I've come to love and I guess expect in your movies. I'm not sure if there was pressure to get it out quickly or if your heart just wasn't in it or if you were just being lazy but I felt it could have been so much better.

The soundtrack was gorgeous though and my all time favourite Tom Waits/Bruce Springteen song Jersey Girl over the end credits was a beautiful and very necessary touch.

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