Thursday, July 19, 2007

We've officially sold the house! What a fucking relief. Seriously. I've been a nervous wreck the last few weeks. Not that you'd know judging my cool, calm exterior. Yeah right!

The real estate agent is coming around tomorrow to put the SOLD sticker on the sign out the front. I reckon it's the easiest money that agent has ever made. They get a flat rate percentage commission no matter how long it takes to sell. We would have been better off paying them by the hour. Oh well, they did a good job so we're not complaining.

Now to get on with it. So many phone calls to make. Phone. Internet. Foxtel. Electricity/gas. New carpet. New blinds. Paint. Blah blah blah.

At least I can now relax and enjoy the idea of our new place. You know what, I'm really happy and excited. I've just buried the happy feelings under a thick layer of stressed and anxious. Very unlike me, I know.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Congratulations! I cannot imagine how exciting this must be!