Friday, March 23, 2007

It was an exciting night in the deepkick household. Big Jay went on a hunting and gathering expedition with Dodo to snag a PlayStation3 for Will (oh, and for himself). Why they "launch" these things at midnight in the middle of the week is beyond me. Any old how, when Jay returned - at 1:30 AM - he was bloody excited.

Are you sitting down?

He won the door prize!!! ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS worth of PS3 games. Sounds huge but that only equates to 10 games as the buggers are $100+ each. There we were eagerly looking through the titles at 2:00 am. Really I couldn't care less. I am somewhat challenged when it comes to these sorts of games. I once tried to have a go on The Simpsons game (which Will can play in his sleep) and just ended bumping around aimlessly without achieving anything. It's just the fact WE WON SOMETHING!

While I am endlessly grateful for winning the Life Lottery (i.e. I think everything about my life is a big win) we rarely, if ever, win anything real. We've won $30-odd on Lotto occassionally. I won a bikini trimmer on some stupid web site competition. I went through a spate of winning radio competitions about 15 years ago - theatre tix, CDs, a flower arrangement - but that was only because there were only about 5 people who listened to 2SM in the early 90s and I was lucky (?) to be one of them.

So there you go. We won something. Woohoo! Let's hope our winning streak continues when the Lotto balls fall tomorrow night.


Ms. Mamma said...

Way to go! That's $1000 worth of stuff you don't have to actually buy! I have always sucked at video games, unless you're talking Atari and Space Invaders or my favorite arcade game, Centipede.

Kath Lockett said...

Good for you - $1000 worth of techno fun is still a $1000 prize!
...the closest I got to winning Deeko's First Class Tickets for Around the World was the consolation prize of a napkin holder, and instead of getting Cadbury's $250,000 cash, I won a blue plastic 'time out' watch. Someday, somehow, my day will come....